Education and Training Director - Tahir Masud


BA (Hons), MA (Oxon), Physiological Sciences, Oxford University MBBS, University of London

MRCP + FRCP (London)

MSc in Health Services Research (Distinction), Nottingham University

National Society

British Geriatrics Society

Current post/posts

1. Consultant Physician (since 1994) + Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Nottingham University Hopsitals, UK (since 2006)

2. Visiting Professor in Geriatrics, University of Southern Denmark (since 2010)

Previous posts

• Research Fellow, St Thomas’ Hospital, London 1992 (1 year)

• Senior Registrar and Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine, St Bartholomew´s Hospital, London (1991-1994)

Main clinical and/or academic interests

Education and Training

Clinical+Research areas- Falls, Syncope,Osteoporosis

Research bibliographics

Published >150 peer reviewed papers and 20 book chapters.

Selected Publications in Education and Training:

1.Gordon AL, Blundell AG, Gladman JR, Masud T. Undergraduate education in geriatrics within the United Kingdom. Age Ageing 2007; 36:705.

2.Blundell A, Gordon A, Gladman J, Masud T. Undergraduate teaching in geriatric medicine: the role of national curricula. Gerontol Geriatr Educ 2009;30: 75-88.

3.Gordon AL, Blundell AG, Gladman JR, Masud T. Are we teaching our students what they need to know about ageing? Results from the UK National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine. Age Ageing.2010;39:85-8

4.Masud T, Blundell A, Gordon AL, Mulpeter K, Roller R, Singler K, Goeldlin A, Stuck A. European undergraduate curriculum in geriatric medicine developed using an international modified Delphi technique. Age Ageing. 2014 43: 695-702.

5.Forrester-Paton C, Forrester-Paton J, Gordon AL, Mitchell HK, Bracewell N, Mjojo J, Masud T, Gladman JR, Blundell A. Undergraduate teaching in geriatric medicine: mapping the British Geriatrics Society undergraduate curriculum to Tomorrow's Doctors 2009. Age Ageing. 2014; 43: 436-9.

6.Gordon AL, Blundell A, Dhesi JK, Forrester-Paton C, Forrester-Paton J, Mitchell HK, Bracewell N, Mjojo J, Masud T, Gladman JR. UK medical teaching about ageing is improving but there is still work to be done: the Second National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine. Age Ageing. 2014;43: 293-7.

7.Oakley R, Pattinson J, Goldberg S, Daunt L, Samra R, Masud T, Gladman JR, Blundell AG, Gordon AL. Equipping tomorrow's doctors for the patients of today. Age Ageing. 2014l; 43: 442-7.

8.Singler K, Stuck AE, Masud T, Goeldlin A, Roller RE. Catalogue of learning goals for pregraduate education in geriatric medicine : A recommendation of the German Geriatric Society (DGG), the German Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG), the Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (ÖGGG) and the Swiss Society of Geriatric Medicine (SFGG) on the basis of recommendations of the European Union of Medical Specialists Geriatric Medicine Section (UEMS-GMS). Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 Nov;47: 570-6.

9.Goldberg SE, Cooper J, Blundell A, Gordon AL, Masud T, Moorchilot R. Development of a curriculum for advanced nurse practitioners working with older people with frailty in the acute hospital through a modified Delphi process. Age Ageing. 2016 Jan;45(1):48-53.

10. Gordon AL, Blundell AG, Gladman JR, Masud T. Better teaching in basic gerontology should be seen as both a goal and an opportunity for those shaping undergraduate curricula. Age Ageing. 2016; 45: 188-9.

11.Masud T, Chowdhury TA. CME Geriatric medicine (113041): self-assessment questionnaire. Clin Med (Lond). 2017; 17: 367-368.

12.Fisher JM, Masud T, Holm EA, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Stuck AE, Gordon A, Blain H, Knight P, Frühwald T, Petermans J, Nuotio MS, Ihle-Hansen HB, Blundell A, Bakó G, Burns E, Davidovic MM, Jónsdóttir AB, Kolk H, Krulder JWM, Lambert M, Maggi S, Martinez-Velilla N, Pinter GF, Singler K, Thompson S, Van Den Noortgate N.J, Vassallo MA, Veninšek G. New horizons in geriatric medicine education and training: The need for pan-European education and training standards 2017, 8 (5-6):467 European Geriatric Medicine

13.Roller-Wirnsberger R, Masud T, Vassallo M, Zöbl M, Reiter R, Van Den Noortgate N, Petermans J, Petrov I, Topinkova E, Andersen-Ranberg K, Saks K, Nuotio M, Bonin-Guillaume S, Lüttje D, Mestheneos E, Szekacs B, Jonsdottir AB, O'Neill D, Cherubini A, Macijauskiene J, Leners JC, Fiorini A, van Iersel M, Ranhoff AH, Kostka T, Duque S, Prada GI, Davidovic M, Krajcik S, Kolsek M, Del Nozal JM, Ekdahl AW, Münzer T, Savas S, Knight P, Gordon A, Singler K. European postgraduate curriculum in geriatric medicine developed using an international modified Delphi technique. Age Ageing. 2019 Mar 1;48(2):291-299. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy1

Positionas held in EuGMS

• Co-Chair- EUGMS Education and Training SIG (2017-2020)

• Member of EUGMS Board as BGS President 2018- Nov 2020

Positions held in national or International societies

1.President British Geriatrics Society (for 2 years till Nov 2020)

2.Vice President Education and Training, British Geriatrics Society

+ Chair of BGS Educational and Training Committee (2015-2018)

3.President UEMS-Geriatric Medicine Section (2015-16)

Any other supporting information

I have a passion for improving Education and Training and in my institution I have extensive experience in improving training -

I have held the following posts:

1.Clinical Sub Dean (undergraduates ) for 7 years

2.Training Programme Director (for postgraduate Trainees in Geriatric Medicine) for 10 years

I have been a member of the Royal College of Physicians Specilaist Advisory Board (advice on postgraduate curriculum matters)

I have previously updated the British Geriatrics Society Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine for Undergraduates.

I co-led a subgroup (with Andreas Stuck) from the UEMS-GMS to develop, via a Delphi Process, the European Undergraduate Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, published in Age & Ageing (first author) which has been translated into several languages and we are currently updating.

I was part of a European Group (led by Regina Roller and Katrin Singlar) that developed the Postgraduate Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine.

I co-chaired (with Regina Roller) the EUGMS SIG in Education and Training. The SIG worked closely with other organisations: UEMS-GMS, IAGG-ER and EAMA. We encouraged and supported developments in undergraduate, postgraduate and inter-disciplinary Education and Training as well as innovative advances such as the Geriatrics for Juniors (developed initially by trainnees in the UK, but now being rolled out across other countries in Europe).

Through the initiatives outlined above I have shown that I can work collaboratively with colleagues across different countries in Europe to achieve important outcomes.