Event Details

5th ESSD Congress

01.October.2015 - 20:12 – 03.October.2015 - 20:12

The European Society for Swallowing Disorders happily announces the 5th ESSD Congress under the title "From Compensation to Recovery".

It will take place in the city of Barcelona from 1 - 3 October 2015

Abstract submission is already open for the congress.

Important dates:
Abstract Submission: 1 February – 15 May
Abstract Acceptance: 15 June
Early registration deadline: 30 June
Standard registration deadline: 15 September
Hands-on course, Mataró Hospital: 28-30 September
Precongress course, Palau de Congressos: 1 October
5th ESSD congress, Palau de Congressos: 2-3 October

Please find more information on the congress' website.

