Event Details

Impact of Nutrition for rehabilitation of older patients

10.December.2015 - 09:00 – 12.December.2015 - 18:00

Training the Trainer Course

Dear colleague,
We invite you to attend the first EICA-ESPRM-EUGMS Train the Trainers Course that will take place in San Servolo island (see the announcement and programme attached).
This exciting and challenging course is tailored for geriatricians, psychiatrists, General Practitioners and other medical Specialists; but other health care professionals may also attend on special request.
It focuses on Nutrition, ageing and physical function, practicalities in the rehabilitation of the older person; and specific care needs in malnutrition, Sarcopenia and frailty.
It attracts CME credits by EACCME and is accredited by EICA, ESPRM, EUGMS and VIU.
