News Archive

The mass ageing of our populations has been one of the crowning achievements of the end of the second millennium. This ageing has also brought challenges in terms of a new order of complexity in ensuring the health of the ageing populations. Geriatric medicine has developed to meet this challenge, and has been proven to be an efficient and cost-effective development.


ESCEO - Survey on Use of Bone Markers in Clinical Practice



2019 ECDC Survey of HC workers knowledge and...

EMA communication

Regulatory Science to 2025 - strategy for a...

2022 EuGMS Congress

Site selection of the 18th Annual Congress EuGMS

Pre-congress Seminar EuGMS Athens 2020

Healthy Aging: The role of diet and physical...

Learning Geriatric Medicine

A study guide for medical students

Regulating Off-Label Use Of Medicines In Europe – Policy brief

By Health Action International

25 Anniversary Geriatric Dept University Hosp. Ramón Y Cajal Madrid



New consensus to enable early detection and...