News Archive

The mass ageing of our populations has been one of the crowning achievements of the end of the second millennium. This ageing has also brought challenges in terms of a new order of complexity in ensuring the health of the ageing populations. Geriatric medicine has developed to meet this challenge, and has been proven to be an efficient and cost-effective development.


EuGMS Notice of Board Vacancies

Extended Deadline 14 August 2015

EMAS Newsletter

July 2015

IOF Newsletter

July 2015

EHMA Newsletter

July 2015

Alzheimer Europe Newsletter

June 2015

Presidential Address


EuGMS lobby Members of the European Parliament on topics related to Geriatric Medicine


Clinique Médicale Recherche Medecin Gériatre en CDD ou CDI


International Prize for Research on Successful Aging

EuGMS - City of L’Aquila