News Archive

The mass ageing of our populations has been one of the crowning achievements of the end of the second millennium. This ageing has also brought challenges in terms of a new order of complexity in ensuring the health of the ageing populations. Geriatric medicine has developed to meet this challenge, and has been proven to be an efficient and cost-effective development.


Orphanet report

disease registries in Europe

Council of Ministers:

Meeting of Social Affairs Ministers

Sweden debates retirement age

The Swedish retirement age is being debated in...

European Parliament:

Revised Clinical Trials Directive

Report on transparency of medicine prices:



benefits of active ageing in the workplace

International Federation of Aging report on vision loss

According to a recent report presented by the...

European employer organisations:

effective active ageing in the workplace

Update on the European Year 2012 Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

uropean year2012 leaves lasting legacy as Ireland...