News Archive

The mass ageing of our populations has been one of the crowning achievements of the end of the second millennium. This ageing has also brought challenges in terms of a new order of complexity in ensuring the health of the ageing populations. Geriatric medicine has developed to meet this challenge, and has been proven to be an efficient and cost-effective development.


New Commission proposal on clinical trials

On 17 July, the Commission proposed a new...

Orphan drugs are economically viable, according to new report

A new report, published by Thomson Reuters,...

Current EU ageing rate is economically unsustainable, according to researchers

The ‘Long-run Economic Perspectives on an Ageing...

Ageing Well Challenge

UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology...

European Commission proposes new rules on conducting clinical trials

On 17 July, the Commission published a new...

European Parliament:

ITRE Committee hearing on Horizon2020

ECJ ruling on health services liability

A ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ),...

Eurobarometer on social impact of EU

A new Eurobarometer study, released on 29...

December Employment and Social Affairs Council

On 1 December, ministers responsible for social...