EuGMS/EAPC workshop calls for EU action on palliative care

On 25 September, a dialogue between palliative and geriatric medicine was held in the European Parliament, hosted by Gianni Patella MEP. On this occasion, the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC Onus) and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) unveiled a joint Manifesto promoting a European action plan on palliative care and geriatrics. The objective is to improve the quality of life of older patients with chronic diseases and cut back on health care costs by up to 60 per cent. Its ultimate scope is to insert geriatric palliative care in the EU agenda. 

Health Commissioner John Dalli and Mario Mauro MEP both spoke in the event, which represented the first time of a dialogue between the two medical disciplines at EU level. The Manifesto, unveiled on the day of the event, represents the first concrete step towards EU legislation on palliative care. It calls upon European governments and EU institutions to ensure that every older citizen with chronic diseases, especially at an advanced stage, is offered the best possible palliative care approach wherever they are cared for. This could be achieved by:

  1. Recognizing that older people with chronic diseases have the right to quality palliative care,  
  2. Promoting public awareness,
  3. Promoting a collaborative effort between geriatric and palliative medicine,
  4. Investing in education,
  5. Investing in research, 
  6. Establishing an EU platform for the exchange, comparison and benchmarking of best practices between member states.
Christine Marking 01.11.2012