New EuGMS Elections

Professor Martin Finbarr has been voted in as President-Elect.
Leo Boelaarts (The Netherlands), Anne Ekdahl (Sweden) and Ralf-Joachim Schulz (Germany) elected into the Executive Board.

Martin Finbarr

Finbarr Martin 

United Kingdom
Voted in as President Elect

Leo Boelaarts

Leo Boelaarts

The Netherlands
Elected into the Executive Board

Anne Ekdahl

Anne Ekdahl

Elected into the Executive Board

Ralf-Joachim Schulz

Ralf-Joachim Schulz

Elected into the Executive Board

Professor Martin Finbarr is one of the most eminent, influential and widely respected geriatricians in the United Kingdom. He has played a broad range of roles in clinical medicine, research, teaching and training, leadership of the speciality of geriatric medicine and of the British Geriatrics Society and national health policy and leadership within the Department of Health as the government’s National Clinical Director. He has also contributed widely to the work of the EUGMS over several years as UK representative to the Full Board and Special Advisor to the President.
Only a handful of geriatricians have taken on such diverse roles and performed them all to such a high standard and the skills and experience gained will be a real asset to the EUGMS.
Professor Martin’s credibility with peers across Europe as a clinical academic researcher, teacher, and outstanding President of The British Geriatrics Society, and his track record of engagement and delivery within EUGMS, make him an ideal EUGMS president.
Most importantly, he is a highly respected clinical geriatrician with a long record of improving services to patients. He has the leadership skills to build consensus, raise the profile of EUGMS, drive change and deliver benefits for geriatricians across Europe.


A. Hovenier 20.09.2015