ICMRA vaccine confidence statements

We are pleased to inform you that EMA has endorsed two statements for healthcare professionals and the general public about the importance, safety and effectiveness of vaccines published by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA).

International regulators from different countries and regions have come together and jointly developed these statements to reassure healthcare professionals and the public around the globe that medicines regulatory authorities only allow vaccines onto the market that fulfil the highest standards for safety, efficacy and quality. In these statements, they also reiterate that it is everyone’s responsibility to get vaccinated in order to protect not only themselves but also their families, friends, communities, vulnerable populations who cannot get immunised as well as the generations to come.

The following materials are available for sharing with your communities in  multiple languages:

ICMRA vaccine confidence statement for healthcare professionals 

English: ICMRA statement about confidence in vaccine safety and effectiveness (for healthcare professionals)

ICMRA vaccine confidence statement for the general public

English: ICMRA statement about confidence in vaccines (for the general public)
