Launch of Joint Action on chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing (CHRODIS-JA)

On 29 January the kick-off meeting of a Joint Action on chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing (CHRODIS-JA) took place. Joint Actions are voluntary partnerships between Member States and the Commission and the objective of this Joint Action is to facilitate a process of exchange and transfer of good practices between European countries and regions. There will be a specific focus on health promotion and prevention of chronic conditions, multi-morbidity and diabetes. Health promotion and prevention will focus on behavioural risk factor, social determinants and inequalities in health. Work on multi-morbidity will focus on multi-disciplinary and integrated care, patient safety and professional training. Diabetes has been selected as the topic of a case study, and this will focus on multidisciplinary care. A Platform for knowledge exchange and a web-based clearinghouse will offer decision-makers, caregivers, patients, and researchers the most relevant information on the good practice in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke and diabetes. 

For more information click here.

Christine Marking 11.02.2014