Greece takes over the EU Presidency

Greece will be in charge of the EU until 30 June and has announced that it will continue the current Trio Presidency programme in the health sector, dealing with the current economic situation and its impact on health and health systems. The focus is on measures towards enhancing public health in the EU as well as on innovation in the health sector and the Greek Presidency aims to finalise the current legislative work. A number of current policy dossiers will be addresses such as the Transparency Directive, which aims to ensure the transparency of the measures regulating the prices and their reimbursement by public health insurance systems. This new Directive will allow access to innovative medicinal products, will ensure entry into the market of generic medicinal products and will encourage and promote research and development of pharmaceutical sector. Another priority relates to the Clinical Trials Regulation as a significant tool for the development of clinical research. In terms of non legislative priorities, the Presidency will prepare sets of Council conclusions on the economic crisis and health care and on healthy diet and physical activity. Migration and public health and e-Health will also be addressed. The establishment of quality and safety standards for handling human tissues and cells is another priority.


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Christine Marking 11.02.2014