FAR SIGHT 4 - Frailty and Resilience SIG Hot Topic

We are glad to invite you to the fourth meeting of FAR SIGHT - Frailty and Resilience SIG Hot Topic -

The project consists of bimonthly open online meetings with SIG members (and others Participants) to discuss relevant developments and papers related to intrinsic capacity, frailty and resilience.

The meetings are organised in a journal club format to exhaustively discuss a paper, after an introduction by one of the authors.

FAR SIGHT 4 will be held on Monday Aug 30 th at 4pm (CEST) - 60 min -

Topic title - Quantitative Approaches to Examine Resilience and Aging


The presentation will focus on a book chapter in which Almar Kok reviews six different quantitative approaches to examine resilience. In this chapter, he and his co-authors argue that resilience-related research questions require specific ways of selecting, coding and analyzing quantitative data. Their practical overview of six approaches is meant to guide researchers in deciding which approach best suits their definition of resilience and their research question. It is also meant to make them aware of the theoretical and conceptual assumptions about resilience that often remain implicit when applying a certain approach. The authors recommend that before analyzing their data, researchers should review the statistical possibilities, verify their theoretical assumptions, and consider to combine multiple approaches to increase the validity of the findings regarding resilience factors and processes.

The paper will be presented by Almar Kok currently assistant professor at the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, department of Epidemiology & Data Science and department of Psychiatry. He is trained as a sociologist, and skilled in analyzing quantitative longitudinal data as well as qualitative interview data. His mixed-methods PhD research focussed on resilience in older adults with a low socioeconomic position (SEP). Almar is currently broadly engaged in research on the social epidemiology of mental health in old age. This includes topics such as socioeconomic inequalities in mental health, the role of psychological factors in health inequality, and resilience in older adults after major depression. As head of the mental functioning group of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, he participates in research consortia on the prevention of dementia (NCDC) and on the role of psychosocial factors in cancer incidence (PSY-CA).

So Join us!
Be on time, mute your microphone when you're not talking and enjoy this moment with your colleagues! We hope to engage you in discussion after the presentation, so you are stimulated to read the paper and prepare questions and your discussion points. At the beginning of the meeting we will provide some further guidance on how to organize the discussion.

Connection Details:

FAR SIGHT 4 - Fraitly and Resilience SIG Hot Topics
Mon, Aug 30, 2021 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CEST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


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Please notice that the meeting will be recorded and that the audio and video recordings might be used by the EuGMS for dissemination on the EuGMS website and social media.

Save the date:
FAR SIGHT 5 – October 25th at  4pm CEST 

