A project entitled “EMpowering PAtients in the management of chronic diseases” (EMPATHiE) was launched, with the aim to achieve a common understanding of the concept of patient empowerment and identify good practices, success factors and barriers.  While there is no accepted definition of patient empowerment, EMPATHiE uses the following: “A process that enables people to gain control over their own lives and health, and increases the capacity of people to act on issues that they themselves define as important”. 

The EMPATHiE consortium is composed of centres of expertise in their fields with extensive experience in patient empowerment, including the European Network on Patient Empowerment (ENOPE). 

The activities are organised into four work packages. The first two constitute the ‘analysis phase’, and the last two constitute the ‘transferability phase’. 

The outcomes of the project will inform the future development of EU policies for patient-centred healthcare, particularly in the context of the EU ‘Reflection process on chronic disease’. The project report is planned for mid-September 2014.

For more information: http://ehff.eu/newsflash-empathie-consortium-wins-sanco-tender-self-management-chronic-diseases/

Christine Marking 11.02.2014