Launch of the European Patients Forum 2014 Election Manifesto, 1 October

On 1 October, the EPF launched its EPF 2014 election manifesto entitled “Patients' Participation equals our vote for a Healthier Europe". Congratulating EPF on this initiative, the Commissioner underlined the importance of empowered patients to the economy. He underlined three key principles of patient empowerment, i.e. responsibility, information and participation. As there is no consensus among Member States on the advantages of, and barriers to, patient empowerment, the Commission is currently mapping patient empowerment initiatives in Europe in order to have an informed discussion at EU level.

Borg underlined the importance of patient engagement in shaping EU health policy, for instance in the areas of patient safety, chronic diseases, the Clinical trials Regulation, the Directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare

Christine Marking 04.11.2013