Lithuanian EU Presidency conference on mental health, 11 October

Mr Borg underlined the importance of mentalhealthandaddressingmentaldisordersisakey Europeanconcern as goodmentalhealthiscentraltoourqualityoflife; he stated that inthesetimesofeconomiccrisis, goodmentalhealthisalsogoodfor the economy. Investment in mental health is therefore crucial.

In2010,thetotalcostsofmentaldisordersfortheEuropeanUnionhealthcaresystems,socialwelfareandfortheeconomywereestimatedatover€450billion, with majordepressionbeing amongthetopthreecausesofdisability in all Member States; mentaldisordersarethereasonbehindalmostonethirdofallclaimsforworkdisabilityandearlyretirement in the EU. He stated that there is a need to workinpartnershipwithpeoplewithmentaldisordersandorganisationswhichrepresentthem; also, a strongerfocusonhealthpromotion,to preventmentalhealthproblemsasmuchaspossible is also required, as well as bettersupportandearlyintervention servicesto preventconditions from getting worse. And lastly, access to treatment needs to be improved with an emphasis on providing servicesinthecommunity. Stigmamust disappear.

The Commissioner gave a few examples of good practice and highlighted the intention of the Lithuanian Presidencytostrengthentheimplementationof theirEuropeanPactforMentalHealthand Well-being. 

A study on mental health, financed by the European Commission was also presented at the conference. Entitled "European profile of prevention and promotion of mental health ", the aim of the study is to provide an up-to-date profile of mental health systems across EU Member States and other countries, with a focus on mental illness and mental health promotion activities. It contains a list of key policy recommendations both for Member States and for the European Commission. 

For the study: 

Christine Marking 04.11.2013