REPORT launch 'ICOPE implementation pilot programme: findings from the 'ready' phase,'

Dear Colleagues,

The online launch of 'ICOPE implementation pilot programme: findings from the 'ready' phase,' a new WHO report on the integrated care for older people (ICOPE) approach, will be held on Monday 25 April, 13.00-14.30 CEST via zoom.

Register is required for the event at Interpretation will be available in French. 

WHO developed the ICOPE approach to support transformation of health and social care systems to deliver integrated and person-centred care for older people. The new report summarizes the findings of the first phase of a pilot research programme, from the implementation experiences across nominated Member States. It focuses on enablers, barriers, and strengths for implementation. The findings can support governments, health and care workers and other service providers to implement ICOPE as part of efforts towards universal health coverage. 

The launch event will include presentations and panel discussions with representatives from Ministries of Health and health and care workers. It will also highlight older people's perspectives of integrated care.

For more info read here

Best regards
