Realising the full value of vaccination

Vaccines Europe shared with the EuGMS the launch of Vaccines Europe's new social media campaign on the importance of "Realising the full value of vaccination" to create a shift in mindset towards more investment for routine life-course immunisation programmes.

There has rarely been a more important time than today to illustrate the full potential of vaccination through clear scientific evidence.
While nearly half a million lives have been saved among those aged 60 years and over since the start of COVID-19 vaccination roll-out in 33 countries across the WHO European Region, we should not forget that vaccines are more than just a tool to fight outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Today, and despite their relatively short history, vaccines can protect individuals across their lifespan against more than 20 life-threatening infectious diseases routinely and contribute on a daily basis to public health, societal well-being, and the sustainability of our healthcare systems and economies.
However, the COVID19 pandemic has also demonstrated the lack of resilience of our national immunisation systems with a significant drop of vaccination coverage in routine vaccination and difficulties to ensure fast deployment of a new vaccination programme that mainly targeted the adult population.

The new Vaccines Europe campaign aim to help "realise the full value of vaccination", via factsheets that focus on three key areas:

  • The impact of vaccines on Public Health
  • The impact of vaccines on our economies
  • Budgets for prevention (and immunisation) in Europe

A communications package is also available here and includes:

  • the blog post Realising the full Value of Vaccination
  • the Factsheets (please contact us in need of editable files)
  • Editable social media assets
