Dear Colleagues,

The EuGMS SIG on Biology of Ageing is glad to invite you to a series of monthly open meetings to present the latest and activities of the teams and members of the SIG.

Each meeting will include a presentation and time for discussion.

Next meeting will be on Thursday May 19th, 2022 - 1PM CEST - 60 min –

Topic: Paper describing Cardiac Glycosides as a new family of broad spectrum senolytics

Cellular senescence is characterized by a stable cell cycle arrest with a robust secretory phenotype known as SASP. This cellular state can be triggered by different stressors, like chemotherapy, and the accumulation of senescent cells contributes to the functional deterioration of tissues.  

Compounds with specific cytotoxic activity against senescent cells, known as senolytics, offer extraordinary support to the notion of a causal relationship between cellular senescence and age-related diseases. At the same time, senolytics offer an opportunity to develop novel therapeutic strategies for a wide range of diseases.  

Using a cell-based phenotypic screening, we identified Cardiac Glycosides (CGs) as a family of compounds with novel senolytic activity. CGs, by targeting Na+/K+ ATPase pump, cause a disbalanced electrochemical gradient in senescent cells which present a slightly depolarized plasma membrane making them more susceptible to the action of CGs. The efficacy of the selective elimination of senescent cells by using a senolytic, the CG Digoxin, has been evidenced by in vivo models of cancer and pulmonary fibrosis. Now we are working on deciphering the possible signaling pathways triggered in senescent cells by Digoxin to improve its effect, reducing the possibility of side effects. 

Presented by: Pilar Picallos-Rabina

Nurse graduated in 2017 at the University of Santiago de Compostela after obtaining the academic title of Superior Technician of Clinical Laboratory in 2013. In 2018 she got a Master´s degree in Biomedical Research at the University of Santiago de Compostela working at the “Cellular Senescence, Cancer and Aging” Laboratory of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela where she decided to continue her work to get her PhD. Her first year as a predoctoral researcher resulted in a co-first authorship publication in Nature Communications in which Cardiac Glycosides were identified as a new family of senolytic compounds. Thanks to this work, she started collaborating in different projects, some supported by Pfizer, Lilly and other companies, characterizing this family of senolytic compounds to make them closer to clinical application.   

So Join us!
Be on time, mute your microphone when you're not talking and enjoy this moment with your colleagues!

Please notice that the meeting will be recorded and that the audio and video recordings might be used by the EuGMS for dissemination on the EuGMS website and social media.

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SAVE THE DATE: Next meetings

June 16th 2022 at 1pm CEST 
