Can pencils and paper improve the wellbeing of older adults?

It has been shown, that the arts have a positive effect on the mental health and quality of life of older adults. The short documentary film "The Mind´s Image" illustrates in an essayistic way the abilities and resources of older adults living in a care home.

Using art therapy as a non-pharmacological medical approach, the DUERER research team in Nuremberg, Germany, has been exploring the connection between aging and creative expression in several research studies since 2017. The results show, that art therapy can improve subjective wellbeing and reveal hidden resources, with a positive impact on the older people themselves, their families and the care team. Is art therapy a new way to support healthy aging?

Interested? Then come and enjoy the film. “The Mind´s Image” has already been shown at international film festivals, such as Cannes and Chicago.

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