SIG Biology of Ageing OPEN Meeting – February 16th 2023

Dear Colleagues,

The EuGMS SIG on Biology of Ageing is glad to invite you to a series of monthly open meetings to present the latest and activities of the teams and members of the SIG.

Each meeting will include a presentation and time for discussion.

Next meeting will be on Thursday February 16th, 2023 - 1PM CET - 60 min –

Topic: Targeting the microbiome for healthy ageing

Presented by:Professor Filipe Cabreiro

Professor Filipe Cabreiro is a Professor (W3) at the University of Cologne and a Reader at the Institute of Clinical Sciences (ICS), Imperial College London. Professor Cabreiro is a biochemist from training, who has worked on understanding the biological mechanisms underlying molecular stress protection, metabolism and ageing. He obtained his PhD from the Universite Paris Diderot in France, studying the role of the antioxidant enzymes methionine sulfoxide reductases in the protection against cellular stress and ageing. He then joined the laboratory of Prof David Gems at the Institute of Healthy Ageing - University College London to study longevity mechanisms in the nematode C. elegans. His seminal work led to a paradigm shift in the use of C. elegans for studying host-microbe-drug interactions in the context of ageing. He started his independent career as principal investigator at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology at University College London after being awarded a prestigious Sir Henry Dale Fellowship by Wellcome and the Royal Society. His lab developed an experimental pipeline with the potential to unravel drug-diet-microbe-host interactions at scale. His lab combines classical and advanced microbial genetics and high-throughput genomic and chemical approaches, targeted metabolomics and computational approaches to study both host and microbial physiology. For his important contribution to science on the role of the microbiota in the regulation of the effect of pharmacological compounds on host physiology he was awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship and an EMBO Young Investigator award. Over the years, his lab has identified signaling and biochemical pathways in bacteria regulating metabolite availability with the capacity to regulate host physiology and ageing. His current research aims to gain insight into the gut microbial action of drugs and metabolites in mice and humans. His lab aims at developing pharmacological strategies to target the microbiota improving metabolic disease and aging in humans.

So Join us!
Be on time, mute your microphone when you're not talking and enjoy this moment with your colleagues!

Please notice that the meeting will be recorded and that the audio and video recordings might be used by the EuGMS for dissemination on the EuGMS website and social media.



Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

 Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


SAVE THE DATE: Next meetings

- April 20th
- June 22nd
