European Commission appoints Expert Group on Rare Diseases

The European Commission has invited individual experts and organisations acting in the field of rare diseases to join its expert group on rare diseases. Once appointed, the expert group will carry out certain tasks in the field of rare diseases requested by the Commission's services. These tasks can include assisting in drawing up guidelines and recommendations, providing advice on implementing EU actions, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating results of EU and national measures, and international cooperation.

This public call for expressions of interest relates to the appointment of members representing: 


  • Individual experts having public health or scientific expertise at Union level in the field of rare diseases
  • European associations of producers or service providers relevant for patients affected by rare diseases
  •  Patients’ organisations in the field of rare diseases
  • European professional associations or scientific societies acting in the field of rare diseases


Members and their representatives are appointed to the panel for a term of three years and may be renewed after having responded to a further call for expressions of interest.

For more information:

Christine Marking 09.10.2013