Health Commissioner Borg speaks out on austerity in health care

Speaking on the occasion of the annual conference of the European Public Health Alliance's (EPHA) on 4 September, Health Commissioner Borg stated that, EU ministers are failing to recognise that efficient healthcare systems drive greater prosperity. Borg said that in recent years, the economic and financial crisis had sparked a debate on the sustainability of European healthcare systems and their budgetary constraints. However, health is a value in itself and a crucial driver of greater prosperity. According to the Commissioner, smart spending on health is growth-friendly: "We must recognise that improving people’s health can also boost economic growth by enabling people to remain active longer". Health is too often seen as a burden rather than as an investment for the future which can pay great dividends. Commissioner Borg's views were supported by Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, minister of health for Lithuania, the Baltic country which currently holds the EU's rotating presidency. 

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Christine Marking 09.10.2013