Commission publishes report on health inequalities in the EU

In 2009, the Commission adopted a strategy on health inequalities entitled "Solidarity in Health: Reducing Health Inequalities in the EU". A new report on health inequalities, published on 9 September, describes the progress made with respect to the five main challenges laid out in the strategy i.e.: 

  • an equitable distribution of health as part of overall social and economic development;
  • improving the data and knowledge base;
  • building commitment across society;
  • meeting the needs of vulnerable groups;
  • developing the contribution of EU policies. 

The report states that the variations in life expectancy and infant mortality - historically wide between EU member states - are narrowing. The report examines various factors causing health inequalities and finds that social factors such as income, unemployment levels and levels of education are drivers. The review has also found many examples of associations between risk factors for health, including tobacco use and obesity, and socio-economic circumstances.

The gap between the longest and shortest life expectancy decreased by 17% for men (between 2007 and 2011) and 4% for women (between 2006 and 2011). In addition, the gap in infant mortality went down from 15.2 to 7.3 per 1,000 live births between 2001 and 2011. Average infant mortality in the EU also fell during this period - from 5.7 to 3.9 per 1,000 live births.

Sweden has the highest life expectancy for men with 79.9 years, a difference of nearly 12 years compared to Lithuania where it is the lowest (68.1 years). For women, life expectancy is highest in France with 85.7 years, a difference of 8 years compared to Cyprus which has the lowest (77.8 years).

In 2010, there were seven EU regions with infant mortality rates greater than 10 per 1,000 live births. This is more than 2.5 the EU average of 4.1 per 1,000 births. 

The report examines various factors causing health inequalities and finds that social inequalities in health are due to a disparity in the conditions of daily life and drivers such as income, unemployment levels and levels of education. The review found many examples of associations between risk factors for health, including tobacco use and obesity, and socioeconomic circumstances. 

Overall, the Commission's action aims both to support policy development in EU countries and improve the contribution of EU policies to address health inequalities. An ongoing Joint Action, running from 2011 to 2014, is a major vehicle to achieve this. 

Achieving the goals of Europe 2020 for inclusive growth is fundamental to addressing health inequalities. In February 2013, the Commission adopted a paper on Investing in Health, as part of the Social Investment package. The paper strengthens the link between EU health policies and national health system reforms and presents the case for: smart investments for sustainable health systems; investing in people's health; and investing in reducing inequalities in health.  The EU Health Program, the Cohesion and Structural Funds, as well as the Research and Innovation Funds (Horizon 2020) can support investment in health all across the European Union. 

Health Commissioner Borg addresses health inequalities

Speaking on the occasion of the publication of the report, Health Commissioner Tonio Borg underlined his belief that health is for all. Everybody should have access to good quality healthcare regardless of gender, age, race, and sexual orientation, type of condition, social status, education, or country of residence. For this to become reality, discrimination in health needs to be addressed.

To this effect, the Commissioner will meet wide range of stakeholders at the European Health Forum Gastein and again to Brussels in March next year for a large scale conference on anti-discrimination, to discuss what needs to be done to ensure that all European  have equal same access to health services. According to the Commissioner, these conferences should foster a real debate on action to support Member States in improving access to quality healthcare and preventive care for all and eliminating all forms of discrimination.

While inequalities in health have been significantly reduced in the EU in the past few years, gaps between social groups and between regions and Member States remain; barriers in the access to healthcare for vulnerable groups removed. The Commissioner underlined that ‘action to bridge health inequalities and to fight all forms of discrimination across Europe must remain a priority if Europe is to succeed in its path towards social cohesion’.

 For more information:   Report on health inequalities in the European Union and                                       

Christine Marking 09.10.2013