Report from Mirko Petrovic of the 4th Croatian Congress - 2023

The fourth Croatian Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, with international participation under the title 'Towards New Opportunities,' took place in the beautiful Istrian city of Pula from September 29th to October 1st, 2023. Professor Tajana Pavic, who also served as the president of the congress, Professor Francesco Landi, Professor Nenad Bogdanovic, and I, in my capacity as the President-elect and the president of the scientific committee, represented the EuGMS and participated in the program, delivering well-received presentations. International speakers from Sweden and Slovenia also joined us in addition to numerous excellent presentations from Croatian colleagues. 

There were approximately 200 participants with diverse backgrounds, all involved in or interested in the care of geriatric patients. The presentations were primarily in Croatian and partly in English. A wide range of topics was covered, including the challenges of geriatric medicine in Europe, comprehensive geriatric assessment, frailty, sarcopenia, cognitive disorders, orthogeriatrics, cardio-metabolic disorders, gerodontology, nutrition, participation in EU projects, and the role of the community in the care of older people. Both the discussions in the thematic sessions and those during the poster rounds were lively and highly relevant to the congress participants. The meeting undoubtedly opened the door for further mutual initiatives aimed at fostering geriatric medicine and spreading education, research, and professional expertise and excellence in Croatia. 

The meeting was excellently prepared and organized in the very nice congress center belonging to the Plaza Histria Hotel in Pula. The overall impression was very positive. 

The hospitality of the Croatian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics was warm and impeccable in every sense. In my capacity as the EuGMS President-elect, I hereby express my sincere gratitude to the local organizers and, in particular, to Prof. Tajana Pavic, whose energy, organizational skills, scientific input, and hospitality were exemplary. The foundation for further development, growth, and recognition of geriatric medicine in Croatia is definitively in place. 

Professor Mirko Petrovic, President-elect 
