WHO CRGHS Online Survey on Healthy Ageing and Rehabilitation

The World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center (CC) for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems hosted by the University of Lucerne, under the leadership of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, is conducting an Online Expert Consultation on how REHABILITATION is currently being delivered for persons 60+ (registered Research Protocol: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/Z4EKD). 


To ensure that all REHABILITATION STAKEHOLDERS, GERIATRICIANS and GERONTOLOGISTS are well represented, we are reaching out to kindly request your support in responding and disseminating this survey within your network. It is available in all WHO official languages until 12th November 2023, and can be accessed through the link below or the QR code attached.  


Survey link: https://uniluzern.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cH0Qg6Icrl7A8nA    


Your support can ensure that we collect a comprehensive range of perspectives from all WHO regions and relevant stakeholders.   


Please let us know if you have any questions or need further information. It takes about 15-20 minutes to complete the questions and you can indicate in the end of the survey if you would like to be acknowledged in future publication.


We appreciate your valuable contribution and look forward to new opportunities to work together. 


Yours sincerely, 


Assistant Professor Carla Sabariego, PhD 

Co-Head of the Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems, WHO CC 

University of Lucerne, Switzerland 


Roxanne Maritz, PhD 

Coordinator of the Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems, WHO CC 

University of Lucerne, Switzerland 


Vanessa Seijas, MD, MPH 

Member of the Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems, WHO CC 

University of Lucerne, Switzerland 


Bárbara Machado, MD, MSc Candidate  

Student Research Assistant of the Ageing, Functioning Epidemiology and Implementation Group

University of Lucerne, Switzerland 



Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Alpenquai 4 | p.o. box | CH-6005 Luzern 


Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems (CRGHS)



