Call for applications for Academic Board members 2024-2025

Dear Colleagues,

The current EuGMS Academic Board will end its term on the 31st of December 2023. A new Academic Board will be selected by Prof Nathalie Van Der Velde, newly elected Academic Director 2024-2025, along with the Executive Board, for final approval.  

Please note: applicants will not need to create a Google account nor to log in to their Google account to submit their application. The regular professional or personal email address can be used. 

The Nominations Committee will consider all applications received, taking into account the eligibility and suitability of the applicants. 

Any individual who is a member of one of the National Societies who are represented in the General Assembly may submit an application. It is expected that all applicant persons will have had some experience of contributing to the work of EuGMS, but it is not necessary that they have been a member of a Board.  

Deadline for applications: November 6th


Appointments shall be made for a period of 2 years: Jan 2024 - Dec 2025 (as per the new coordinated text of the EuGMS bylaws that you can consult here:  


Academic Board members 2024-2025
Description of the role

Application Form


For any further information, do not hesitate to write to secretariat(at)
