Commission sets up expert group on rare diseases

The European Commission is in the process of setting up an Expert Group on rare diseases, which will have the following tasks: 

  • assist the Commission in the drawing up of legal instruments and policy documents, including guidelines and recommendations;
  • advise the Commission in the implementation of EU actions and suggest improvements to the measures taken;
  • advise the Commission in the monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of the results of measures taken at EU and national level;
  • advise the Commission on international cooperation;
  • provide an overview on EU and national policies;
  • foster exchanges of relevant experience, policies and practices between the Member States and the various parties involved.

The Expert Group can also be invited to submit opinions, recommendations and reports.  It will be composed of Member States' competent authorities, patients’ organisations, European associations of producers of products or service providers, European professional associations or scientific societies and individuals appointed in a personal capacity as experts (4 persons per category maximum). The members will be appointed from a list of suitable candidates established following publication of a call for expressions of interest, which will specify the required qualifications and conditions to become member of the expert group. The expert group will be chaired by the Director in charge of the policy on rare diseases of the Commission. 

For more information:

Christine Marking 12.08.2013