Active Ageing Index (AAI) now available

A new Active Ageing Index (AAI) wiki has just been launched online by the European Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) aiming to enhance the availability of this new statistical tool to all its potential users.

Presented last December at the European Year 2012 Closing Conference in Cyprus, the AAI offers national and European policy makers a way to measure the untapped potential of seniors across the 27 EU Member States and beyond.

The index measures the extent to which older people can realise their full potential in terms of employment, participation in social and cultural life and independent living. It also measures the extent to which the environment they live in enables seniors to lead an active life.

The newly developed wiki is an easy way to access all information relevant to the AAI and will be continuously updated with the latest information available. It includes a special introductory policy brief, information on the AAI conceptual framework, methodology and results. It also provides potential users with access to an excel file that contains detailed data sets on the AAI for the EU Member States.

The AAI is a product of a joint project undertaken in 2012 by the European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion together with the Population Unit of the UNECE and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Vienna.

Christine Marking 11.04.2013