Ageing Well Challenge

UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) has announced the launch of the Ageing Well Challenge, a prize looking for innovative ideas that can reduce the isolation and/or increase the mobility of vulnerable older people.

Funded by the Cabinet Office, the challenge is about “putting ideas into practice” and providing new opportunities for communities to come together to give time, skills and resources. Through the Ageing Well Challenge Prize, NESTA aims to:

  • Share insights about the value of, and principles for the giving of time, skills and resource at community level to reduce isolation and increase the mobility of older people
  • Encourage the development of more impactful and cost effective approaches
  • Share learning about the effectiveness of using challenge prizes to stimulate social innovation methods

While applicants can be established in any part of the UK, the benefits of their proposals should focus primarily or significantly on England.

Click here for more information

Christine Marking 03.09.2012