Commission recommends better policy mix to address social situation in the EU

In a report on social developments in Europe, published on 15 December, the Commission concludes that working conditions have been growing worse and poverty rising since the start of the crisis. The report recommends an approach that represents a mix of economic, social and employment policies. This first ‘Annual review of employment and social developments in Europe’ (ESDE) notes that the economic crisis has aggravated Europe’s structural weaknesses, such as income inequality and the disappearance of jobs with medium-level salaries, particularly in the manufacturing and construction industries. It makes recommendations aimed at ensuring a long-term job-rich recovery in the current climate of fiscal consolidation and grim economic outlook.

To lessen inequalities, the report proposes increasing labour market participation, a better distribution of social spending and fairer taxation of high incomes and wealth. It also recommends a combination of the discouragement of early retirement for older workers, adaptation of working conditions and lifelong training to keep people on the job longer. Improving the employability of older workers and encouraging active ageing are set out as essential for reaching the EU employment rate target of 75 % by 2020. Active ageing policies will help to discourage early retirement, stimulate lifelong learning, adapt working conditions to the needs of older workers and provide care for older people.

The report also notes that, in 2010, 115 million Europeans (23% of the population) were exposed to the risk of poverty and social exclusion, compared with 114 million in 2009. They include older people, lone parents and low-work households. 

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Christine Marking (on behalf of EUGMS) 12.01.2012