Council of Ministers:

European Year 2012 Opening Conference: "Stay active - what does it take?" 

This year has been designated as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012, and the Danish EU Presidency is organising a high level inauguration conference on 18th and 19th January, together with the European Commission. 

The main theme is innovation and how innovation can bring new solutions to the pending challenges of an ageing society in Europe within the fields of employment, social affairs and health.

Click here for more information on this conference and other Year events:


December Health Council

At their meeting on 2 December, Ministers responsible for health  discussed the following issues:

Health for Growth Programme

A first  debate on the proposal for a health programme for 2014-2020, entitled ‘Health for Growth took place, with Ministers generally supporting the proposal which establishes the EU's third multiannual programme of action in the field of health. Some member states expressed marginal criticisms, in particular on the choice of instrument, the absence of measures against health inequalities and the distribution of the budget among the objectives selected.

The Commission proposes to allocate €446 million to the future health programme, an increase of €125 million from the previous programme. This financial allocation is divided up among four key priorities: establishing innovative and viable health systems (48% of the budget), improving citizens' access to better quality and safer health care (22%), promoting health and preventing illness (21%), and protecting citizens from cross-border health threats (9%). 

Conclusions on chronic respiratory diseases in children

These invite member states to give appropriate consideration to prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases in children in national health programmes, attaching special importance to preventing children's exposure to tobacco smoke.

Conclusions on communication disorders in children (hearing, sight and speech disorders)

Ministers invite the Commission to adopt, by the end of 2013, the criteria and conditions for reference networks already recognised in Europe, taking account of cooperation experience among centres specialised in the treatment of communication disorders.

Conclusions on health gaps

These address population differences in premature mortality, morbidity and disability between and within member states and between EU regions. Ministers encourage the member states to continue, intensify and/or develop policies and actions to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours.

Click here for more information (and the full set of conclusions)

Christine Marking (on behalf of EUGMS) 12.01.2012