Council of Ministers Conclusions on Organ Donation Transplantation

On 7 December, a set of Council conclusions on organ donation and transplantation were adopted by the EU Health Ministers. Health Ministers recognise the considerable efforts made by the Commission and the Member States, in particular through collaboration and sharing of expertise. They also recommend stepping up joint efforts on specific areas such as communication strategies and organ exchange agreements.

Organ donation and transplantation was one of the priorities of the Cyprus EU Presidency, reiterating support for the Commission's Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between Member States, which is now half-way.

The Action Plan is a voluntary tool complementary to the mandatory requirements on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation, which was adopted in July 2010.

The Action Plan addresses three main challenges: 

  • to increase organ availability;
  • to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of transplant systems;
  • to improve quality and safety.

Ten key "priority actions" to be taken by all EU countries were identified to meet these challenges. Actions include introducing transplant donor coordinators to identify and prepare for deceased donation, setting up safety measures for living donors and increasing public awareness. Project funding from the EU Health Programme helps Member States implement these actions.

For more information and the Conclusions:

Christine Marking 04.01.2013