
On 22 November the Commission published the outcome of a new Eurobarometer which looks into attitudes and perceptions of Europeans towards discrimination, based on different grounds (gender, ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity). In relation to age discrimination, the survey found that the economic crisis is contributing to an increase of discrimination in the labour market, especially for older persons. Above two-third of Europeans (67%) believe the economic crisis is contributing to more discrimination against “older” workers (those aged over 55).


In 2012 over half of Europeans (54%) believe that a job applicant’s age is a disadvantage if they are over 55. Disability (40%), skin colour and ethnic origin (39%) are also seen as a disadvantage.

According to the study, 45% of Europeans believe discrimination against people over 55 years old is widespread whereas discrimination on the grounds of being younger than 30 is seen as far less common: just 18% believe it is widespread. 

For more information:  Eurobarometer n° 393

Christine Marking 05.12.2012