European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2012:

On 18 November, the annual European Antibiotic Awareness Day was marked by a publication containing the latest data in relation to antibiotic resistance and consumption in the EU. The Commission takes a holistic approach to the issue, problem, as set out in its 2011 Communication on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

This action plan includes 12 key actions involving many different sectors: human medicine, veterinary medicine, research, animal husbandry, agriculture, environment, trade and communication. It aims, over a period of five years, to substantially reinforce existing good practice and to introduce a new set of rigorous measures to prevent the further spread of resistance and preserve the ability to combat microbial infections. 

For more information: 

Latest ECDC data:

EU health policy

EU health research policy:

Christine Marking 05.12.2012