European Commission:

A quarterly review of the EU’s employment and social situation’ – produced jointly by Eurostat and the European Commission – clearly shows that the current demographic situation shows a growing but ageing population. On 1 January 2012, the EU27 population was estimated at 503.7 million inhabitants, a 6% increase over 1992. At the same time, the share of those aged 65 and over in the population rose from 14% to 18%. The report analyses age dependency ratios (the level of support to the two dependent generations - the under-15s and those 65 years of older) from the working age population (aged 15-64). The old age dependency ratio increased from 21.1% in 1992 to 26.8% in 2012. The rate increased in all member states with the exception of Ireland. In 2012, the old age dependency ratio ranged from 18% in Slovakia, Ireland and Cyprus to 32% in Italy and 31% in Germany. The total age dependency ratio in the EU27 grew slightly over the last two decades, from 49.5% in 1992 to 50.2% in 2012; this means that there are around two persons of working age for each dependent person. 

Christine Marking 11.04.2013