Eurostat report on Healthy Life Years

On 5 March, Eurostat published a report stating that, at birth, women and men can expect to live 62 years in a healthy condition. The figures (calculated for 2011) show that, at the age of 50, they could expect to live another 18 years in a healthy condition; at the age of 65, they could expect to have an additional nine healthy life years. Among the member states, the highest number of healthy life years at birth was estimated in Malta (71 years for women and 70 for men), Sweden (70 and 71), Luxembourg, Greece and Ireland (all 67 and 66); the lowest figures were found for Slovakia (52 for both) and Slovenia (54 for both). In the majority of the member states, there was very little difference in the number of years women and men can expect to live without health limitations.

For the report:

Christine Marking 11.04.2013