Impact on chronic disease in old age:

The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) prepared this report in 2012 in response to a call by the European Commission (DG SANCO, Directorate-General Health and Consumers). The purpose of the report is to review the impact of chronic disease on the population of pre- (50+) and post-retirement age in the EU.

This report addresses the following topics: 

  • The burden of chronic disease in the older population pre- and post-retirement ;
  • The impact of chronic disease on the exit from the labour market (including unemployment, disability and early retirement) ;
  • The impact of leaving the labour market on the burden of chronic disease;
  • Interventions to increase the social participation (including work participation) of people with a chronic disease.

 The report also provides a list of policy recommendations that follow from our analysis, including an overview of gaps and needs for further action at EU, and Member State level.

 The primary focus of this report is on the population of pre- (50+) and post-retirement age and the following groups of chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, chronic lung diseases and depression. The overview of the chronic disease burden will also pay attention to some neurodegenerative diseases (such as dementia).

For the report:

Christine Marking 07.05.2013