TechnolAGE study identifies 20 best practices of ICT solutions for ageing well around Europe

The TechnolAGE project has published the “Study on business and financing models related to ICT for ageing well”, which identifies and analyses the business and financing models of 20 European best practices of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) that have a high proven relevance for the ageing population.

Commissioned by the European Commission's DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology and conducted by Ernst & Young and the Danish Technological Institute, the report aims to show that ICT for Ageing Well is a worthwhile area to invest in, with a potential of generating a return on investment. The report points out that the public sector, policy makers, the private sector and commercial actors are showing that they can successfully work together to overcome the barriers identified in this particular market, such as the lack of European-wide standards and the absence of clear funding and reimbursement models.

For a more information click here.

Christine Marking 05.12.2012