UK Alzheimer’s Society report

According to a recent Alzheimer’s Society report, 80% of people living in British care homes have either dementia or severe memory problems. However, while excellent care exists, less than half of them are enjoying a good quality of life.

Only 41% of relatives surveyed by the British Alzheimer’s Society reported that their loved ones enjoyed good quality of life. Despite this, three quarters (74 per cent) of relatives would recommend their family member’s care home. There are 800,000 people with dementia in the UK, and over 300,000 of them live in a care home for older people. In this context, the new report explores whether those with dementia in the UK who live in a care home are experiencing the quality of life we would expect for our older years.

The report, entitled ‘Low Expectations’ covers the key factors facing someone looking for a care home, the quality of life of those living in a care home, the role of homes in the community, and also of abuse. It also makes a number of key recommendations and looks at best practice across the country.

Some of the findings are:

  • 70% of the general public would feel scared about moving into a care home in the future. In addition, two thirds (64 per cent) do not feel the sector is doing enough to tackle abuse in care homes.
  • Less than a third (30 %) of the public believe people with dementia are treated well in care homes.
  • The main factor (48 %) the general public would look for in choosing a care home is training of staff.
  • Less than half (44 %) of relatives said opportunities for activities in their relatives' care home were good.

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, awareness of dementia has never been higher in the UK. In 2012, the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, Prime Minister David Cameron launched a National Challenge on Dementia, aiming to give a boost to research; address quality of dementia care; increase public understanding of the condition and make communities more dementia friendly.

For the report:

Christine Marking 11.04.2013