Winner of Ambient Assisted Living Programme Award

On 26 September, the pan-European project HELP (Home-based Empowered Living for Parkinson Disease Patients) was declared winner of the AAL FORUM Award on the occasion of the AAL Joint Programme Forum 2012. This Award recognises the most promising project in terms of innovation, human-centred approaches to development and market potential. The HELP consortium has created a health monitoring system specifically targeted for the needs of Parkinson Disease patients. .

This features:

  • A body sensor and actuator network made up of portable/wearable and home devices to monitor health parameters (e.g. blood pressure) and body activity (e.g. to detect gait, absence of movement), and to release controlled quantity of drugs in an automatic fashion;
  • A remote point-of-care unit to supervise the patients under clinical specialists control.

A total of four projects was selected for the final phase of the award: 

  • Fearless, a fall detection system that would enable older to stay safer in their own environment; 
  • Health at Home, a wearable monitoring system
  • Senior Channel, which offers the possibility to older adults to take part and watch TV programs dedicated to them.

For more information: click on the titles of the projects

Christine Marking 01.11.2012