Upcoming External Events

Past External Events

March 23, 2017 - World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases 2017

February 23, 2017 - Total Nutritional Therapy Geriatric 2.0

February 23-25, 2017, Burnham Beeches, UK

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January 11, 2017 - First Cologne Symposium on Ageing Medicine

January 11th, 2017, Cologne, Germany

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November 23, 2016 - British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting 2016

23 - 25 November 2016

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November 17, 2016 - SIOG 2016 Annual Conference

Milan, Italy

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October 26, 2016 - German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery


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October 06, 2016 - NMDPD 2016

October 6-9 2016, Ljubljana

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June 30, 2016 - 1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals


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June 29, 2016 - SIOG 2016 Advanced Course in Geriatric Oncology

Treviso, Italy

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