
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontologie
Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology

Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Austria…

Total population: 8.584.926 (2015)
Percentage above 65 Yr: 424.860 (2015)
Percentage above 80 Yr: 214.972 (2015)

Number of physicians: 43.126 (2014)
Number of geriatricians: 1.280 (2015)
Total number of hospital beds: 64.815 (2014)
Number of geriatric beds: 1.608 (2014)
Number of remobilisation beds: 236 (2014)

Geriatrics is recognised as a...

  • speciality since <10 years
  • subspeciality since <10 years

Geriatric medicine is found in...

  • acute care hospitals integrated in acute wards (internal medicine) and as acute geriatric wards
  • out-patient care settings (without refund)
  • post-acute rehabilitation hospitals/clinics
  • nursing homes or long term care facilities

Members of the society

Total number of Members: 422
Geriatricians: 383
GP’s: 0
Internists: 0
Nurses: 15
Other therapists: 24

Special interest groups within society

Other activities…

Cooperation in Working groups of the Ministry of Health

  • Austrian Dementia Strategy "Living well with dementia"
  • Austrian Nutrition Action Plan and National Nutrition Commission
  • Austrian Diabetes Strategy
  • Health and living conditions of individuals aged 80 and older “The Austrian Interdisciplinary Study on the Oldest Old”

Annual meeting of the Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology:

Events and more:

List of geriatric chairs and research centres in the country

Achievements of geriatric medicine in Austria

Contact details

The president of the Society:
Bernhard Iglseder

General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Bernhard Iglseder

Email: B.Iglseder(at)


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