Geriatric Rehabilitation

Leader: Stefan Grund Wilco Achterberg


Analysis, definition and optimisation of structural and process quality in Geriatric Rehabilitation (GR)

Relevance for the purposes of the EuGMS

Geriatric rehabilitation is one of the central points in the holistic Geriatric Medicine approach to improve and preserve the health status and social participation of older people.

Background and our motivation: Structures and routine processes of geriatric rehabilitation (post-acute rehabilitation in older persons) are very heterogeneous in the European but also global context. There are no uniform structure and process quality standards. Moreover, many older people do not have adequate access to geriatric rehabilitation.


N° of members: 44

Method of work

Local, European and global structures and standard processes in geriatric rehabilitation are analysed and possibilities for optimisation are elicited.

We use a systematic approach to further develop geriatric rehabilitation.

Based on studies and analyses (via surveys, Delphi processes, clinical studies) we define adequate structures and processes for GR.

For our projects, we use the PDCA-cycle for continuous quality improvement and promote interactive exchange between EuGMS members, but also with representatives outside EuGMS, to further develop GR.

First outcomes

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Rehabilitation of the Older Patient (4th Edition)
  • Grund S, Kilb M, Breitinger E, Hundsdörfer W, Schäfer HG, Schols JMGA, Gordon AL, Bauer J, Alpers GW. Evaluation of a new screening instrument for psychological distress in post-acute rehabilitation in older person. (2021) Accepted for with major revision, EGM.
  • Grund S, Caljouw MAA, Haaksma ML, Gordon AL, van Balen R, Bachmann S, Stuck AS, Becker C, Bauer JM, Schols JMGA, Achterberg WP. Pan-European Study on Functional and Medical Recovery and Geriatric Rehabilitation Services of Post-COVID-19 Patients: Protocol of the EU-COGER Study. (2021). Journal of Nutrition Health Ageing. 
  • Grund S, Gordon AL, Bauer JM, Achterberg WP, Schols JMGA. The COVID Rehabilitation Paradox: why we need to protect and develop Geriatric Rehabilitation Services in the face of the pandemic. Age Ageing. 2021.
  • Everink IHJ, van Haastregt JCM, Kempen GIJM, Schols JMGA. Building Consensus on an Integrated Care Pathway in Geriatric Rehabilitation: A Modified Delphi Study Among Professional Experts. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2020;39(4):423-434. https://doi:10.1177/0733464818774629
  • Grund, S., Gordon, A.L., van Balen, R. et al. European consensus on core principles and future priorities for geriatric rehabilitation: consensus statement. Eur Geriatr Med 11, 233–238 (2020). 
  • Grund, S., van Wijngaarden, J.P., Gordon, A.L. et al. EuGMS survey on structures of geriatric rehabilitation across Europe. Eur Geriatr Med 11, 217–232 (2020).
  • van Balen, R., Gordon, A.L., Schols, J.M.G.A. et al. What is geriatric rehabilitation and how should it be organized? A Delphi study aimed at reaching European consensus. Eur Geriatr Med 10, 977–987 (2019).
  • Everink, I.H.J., van Haastregt, J.C.M., Tan, F.E.S. et al. The effectiveness of an integrated care pathway in geriatric rehabilitation among older patients with complex health problems and their informal caregivers: a prospective cohort study. BMC Geriatr 18, 285 (2018).

Expected outcomes 2021:

  • Interim Guidance for post-COVID-19 GR
  • EU-COGER study (First Results)
  • Survey on structural changes in GR due to Covid-19 pandemic
  • Consensus statement on GR in a global perspective
  • Survey on global capacities in GR
  • Survey on nutritional care in GR in Europe
  • Best Practice Guideline on GR

Way of communication among members:

We communicate via email, regular congress meetings and via regular video meetings adapted to our projects.

Planning of meetings:

Meetings are planned along regular congresses, especially the annually EuGMS congress and with doodle® date finding for video meetings.

EuGMS SIG on FALLS & FRACTURES & GERIATRIC REHABILITATION - OPEN SIG MEETING: March 8th 2023 : recording of the meeting

Next Meeting 18th EuGMS International Congress, London September 28-30 - SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN - SEPT 29th from 06.30pm to 08.00pm UK TIME

17th EuGMS International Congress, Athens October 11-13 - SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN- OCT 12th from 11.00am to 12.30pm CEST

16th EuGMS International Congress, Athens October 7-9